Saturday 8 September 2018

Up the Heelins with obliging trout

Had a good day out at the Spey Dam with my fishing buddy Scott! On arrival conditions weren't great as the loch was like a mirror with zero wind. We were therefore in no rush to get started!
Once out the low cloud cleared and a gentle breeze started. We had a few casts in the areas that had a ripple but with no success. Then the weather changed. A strong wind got up along with heavy rain. Scott got two trout in that drift.
Next drift Scott got another and I was still fishless. By this time the wind reduced and the rain cleared We had  another drift  without success. We went back ashore for lunch. After lunch we started getting frequent trout action  on various drifts between the boat moorings and the island. In total we managed 17 trout between us. Scott managed 11 and I fooled 6. The most successful flees were Loch Ordies and muddlers. The sedgehog created a lot of interest with trout splashing at it and getting numerous takes with it  however only two troot were caught with it.
All in all after a slow start we had a very satisfying and enjoyable day among some lovely scenery and obliging troot!

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The Cobbie

My latest flytying video. Hope you like it!  The Cobbie