Sunday 6 October 2024

A visit to Hardy's of Alnwick

Over the years, my longing for a Hardy fly reel has been intensifying, and about a month or two ago, I finally satisfied that desire. 

My new Hardy Marquis Reel, is a hallmark of precision and craftsmanship, it exemplifies the long-standing legacy of Hardy’s of Alnwick. 

Renowned for its durability and timeless design, it has been a favourite of anglers for decades. Hardy Bros, established in 1872, has consistently been at the forefront of fly-fishing innovation, blending tradition with quality. Their commitment to handcrafting reels with meticulous detail has cemented their reputation as one of the most respected names in the fishing world, embodying the spirit of British angling heritage. 
I wasn’t just happy acquiring my reel I also wanted to visit the Hardy shop and museum in Alnwick. 

So just a couple of weeks ago I made the 242-round trip to the Northumberland market town. 

My son and I arrived in Alnwick in glorious sunshine, parked up and walked through the town’s 15th century defensive walls to the Bondgate where the Hardy shop is located. 

We received a warm welcome in the shop and had a chat with the friendly staff. We then had a browse around the shop admiring the rods and reels on display and then went upstairs to visit the museum. 

The Museum gives a fascinating glimpse into the rich history of one of the world’s most iconic fishing tackle manufacturers. Showcasing an impressive collection of reels, rods, and angling memorabilia. 

The interactive displays and informative exhibits provide insight into the evolution of angling techniques, tackle and design and the great legacy of Hardy. 

Before leaving the shop and museum I purchased a DVD which is an excellent documentary that I highly recommend, telling the story of Hardy it’s called “The Lost World of Mr Hardy” we were then given directions to the old original hardy factory which is just a few hundred yards along the road.

Before I went to see the old building, we visited a charity book shop [ as you do] however they didn’t have any angling books of interest to me but I did have a very interesting and informative chat with the owner who informed us that he and his wife both worked in the old Hardy factory, he assisted with the rod making and his wife tied flies in the factory. 

The old factory building now incorporates a squash club and an estate agent and I was told that the upstairs space may be getting made into apartments, a desirable residence for a wealthy Hardy enthusiast perhaps? 

I had no desire to visit the relocated factory which is on the outskirts of town in an industrial estate. I think if I had done that it would tarnish the impression and legacy that I associate with the Hardy story. 

Instead, my son and I then went a walk around the very attractive and historical town and after visiting a coffee shop we visited the grounds of Alnwick castle which was the location for a couple of the early Harry Potter films. 

This wee town in the North East of England certainly cast a spell on me and I will certainly will be making a return visit sometime in the future.

Monday 26 August 2024

Caithness Stravaig 2024

This year's much anticipated fly-fishing stravaig to Caithness was once again a great success filled with laughs, good food and drink and the pursuit of trout across the county’s numerous lochs and lochans. 
For our group of friends, this annual meetup is more than just a fishing trip it's a chance to reconnect, share stories, and indulge in our shared passion of flyfishing.
This year, as always, we were blessed with a variety of weather conditions however it was mostly sunny and windy which was challenging at times. Some of us fished from boats, while others chose to fish from the shore, casting into the unknown with hopes high.
The lochs we fished were varied, some well known some not so much. Some were expansive, requiring to keep a careful eye on the wind and a good deal of patience, while others were more intimate, their secrets revealed only to those who knew where to look. 
The diversity of the waters from shallow peaty moorland lochs to the deep, clear waters, provided a perfect challenge for all of us. As is often the case in fishing, some of our Stravaigers were rewarded with impressive trout. 
These moments were celebrated with the obligatory photos of the fish the lochs and the general views, each photo a reminder of why we love these dear wild places. For me, however, the trout were more modest. 
The trout I caught, while not as large or as spectacular as those of some of my companions, they were no less satisfying. Each one was a product of months spent at the vice anticipating these moments a reminder that the joy of fly fishing lies not just in catching fish, but in the process itself. 
These are the moments that make these annual stravaigs so satisfying and worthwhile. Our evenings were spent at our fantastic Dunbeath base with beautiful views of the North Sea, sharing tales of the day's adventures, both the triumphs and the near misses. 
I never did manage to stay up too late as most nights I was too tired as after our hearty meal and a few beers and occasional whisky I could barely keep my eyes open. As the trip came to an end, we all agreed that this year had been another success. 
The fishing had been challenging but rewarding, and the time spent together, priceless. Caithness provided us with memories that will last until our next reunion. 
 On a personal note, I was delighted to have no blank days for a change however I did come close on one of the six days we fished. A wee sparkly muddler managed to fool a trout about the size of a Tunnock’s Caramel wafer one late afternoon just when I was thinking of giving up and reeling in. Throughout the week my most successful flies were the Watten Warrior and the Blue Zulu but a variety of others fooled the trout too such as Loch Ordie, Clan Chief, Black Zulu, Kate McLaren and various other leggy wets. Caithness offers such a vast number of lochs to fish each with its own character and we collectively only fished a few, there are so many more to explore and fish so hopefully we will make a return next year to experience the wild beauty and charm of Caithness once more.

Friday 9 August 2024

Ludlow Flytying Club Demo

Allan Hutton Flytying Demo
On Thursday evening 8th of August  I had the great pleasure of giving a flytying demonstration for Ludlow Flytying Club  by zoom. I was so nervous as it was my first time. I just hope it came across alright. As my mind was racing ahead of my speech. 
The club record the sessions and upload them to Youtube and you can see my demo by clicking the link above. 
I really enjoyed the experience and would like to thank everyone who took time out to watch the live feed. Ive been asked to do another in the future which I will be more than happy to do.
If you can find time to watch the session any feedback would be most helpful and very much appreciated.
Here is a list of the fly patterns I tied.

1.  Watten Warrior. #10

2. Dirty Weeker . #10 short shank

3. Loch Ordie. #10

4. Short Ordie. #10 short shank

5. Clan Chief. #10

6. Black Ke-He. #10 short shank

7. Georgeous George Varient. #10

8. Wet Olive Mayfly. #10

Friday 26 July 2024

Well Deserved!

It's been fantastic to see a few of my fly-tying and fly-fishing friends get an invite to display their fly-tying skills at the prestigious British Fly Fair International (BFFI) 2025 in Stafford. This recognition is incredibly well-deserved, as these individuals have shown immense dedication and passion in the art of fly-tying. Their invitation to such a renowned event is a testament to their skill and commitment.

While I must admit to feeling a twinge of envy, as my own application didn't make the cut, I understand the challenge faced by the organizers. Selecting from the vast number of talented tyers from around the world is no easy task. I have no doubt that those chosen will represent the craft with distinction and contribute to the vibrant atmosphere of the fair.

One day, I hope to join the ranks of those seated in Tyers Row, showcasing my own craft to the fly-fishing community. Until then, I will gladly attend BFFI 2025 as a visitor. I look forward to meeting my friends on Tyers Row, watching them work at the vice and soaking in the expertise of the other tyers on display.

My visits to the BFFI are always very enjoyable, filled with inspiration and learning. I'm sure next year's event will be no different, See you in Stafford!

Meanwhile here is some of my recent vice-work.

Monday 17 June 2024

Reeled in Frustration: A Fishing Trip to Caithness

My much-anticipated fly fishing stravaig to Caithness was a massive letdown, marred by circumstances beyond my control that left me frustrated and angry. I had been so looking forward to this trip for some time, eagerly anticipating casting the fly patterns that I had tied and prepared at my vice for months.

Our adventure began with hope and excitement as my friends and I arrived in our Watten village digs around lunchtime. By early afternoon, we were out on Loch Watten, two boats strong, ready to make the most of our time on the water. Although the conditions were blustery, they were manageable—until the rain arrived. It was relentless, but the wind grew stronger. Despite our best efforts, we quit sooner than expected, having risen a few but with nothing in the net. We returned to our digs soaked and weather-beaten, just in time to watch Germany humiliate and embarrass Scotland in the opening game of the 2024 Euros.

Despite the disheartening start, just like Scotland we held onto hope. We had two more chances for success: Toftingall on Saturday and Watten again on Sunday. After a good breakfast made by Scott on Saturday morning, we headed off to Toftingall. Conditions were perfect, with fish rising to the vast number of mayfly that seemed to be everywhere. The loch was alive, and so were we, catching forty-two trout between the four of us, with just as many missed and lost. It was a glorious day on the water, and Tam "The Abacus" kept count with glee.

However, Sunday brought another twist of fate. I woke up early, tied up a few casts before breakfast, and was eager for a promising day on Watten. 

The wind and rain had returned, but the weather apps assured us conditions would improve by lunchtime. Despite the forecast, a ridiculous, ludicrous, poor misguided decision was made by the group—against my wishes—to take the engines back to Hugo Ross which we didnt use but paid for then stay in our rundown digs for the day, go for dinner between 5 and 6pm and then go chucking metal in Loch Calder for troot. Needless to say I expressed by feelings about that which would result in me staying at the digs all day and night on a perfect day and night for flyfishing.

Whilst Scott and Tam went to Wick with the engines cabin fever set in and by early afternoon, I couldn't stand it anymore. I walked down to Loch Watten and found the conditions perfectly playable. Sitting on a bench, looking out over the loch beyond the boat moorings, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of frustration. The trip I had looked forward to for months was essentially ruined.The disappointment was palpable. My much-anticipated fly fishing stravaig to Caithness ended not with contentment and satisfaction but with the frustration of missed opportunities.

It was a trip that should have been memorable for all the right reasons but instead left me furious, disheartened, and exasperated!!!!! 

A visit to Hardy's of Alnwick

Over the years, my longing for a Hardy fly reel has been intensifying, and about a month or two ago, I finally satisfied that desire.  My ne...