I haven't been fishing since Tuesday but have been up at the Loch a couple times to have a look around. I noticed that the new retaining wall at the club house carpark has been finished and has been leveled off. Still a bit of tidying up to be done and I believe that some sort of fence will be erected around the car park too. Anyway, I was up last night having a nosey and took with me a wee six piece travel rod that I have. I have not used this rod in a while and had a few casts in the carpark with a line I forgot I had which I found in a box that I have in my loft with all sorts of discarded angling gear. The rod and line compliment one another beautifully. It is an ideal setup for small lochans and hill lochs. Over the last couple of days I have using up the salmon hooks I have, tying a few flies that I intend to use in the near future. I'm keen to have another go at the salmon fishing and after having a look around the web for ideas, I quite fancy the Annan as its not too far away. Would be nice to have a day there sometime soon. Anyone out there like to advise what beat etc would be worth having a visit to. In the meantime here are a couple of pics of the flies that I have been tying.