Monday, 23 July 2012

The Hillend Dabbler Podcast 03

I was hoping to get up to the loch over the weekend but it didn't materialise as I had domestic duties to attend to. Then the weather wasn't so go either so when I did manage to get some time to myself I decided to have another go at a Podcast. This will be the last one for a few weeks as I will be off on my holidays to warmer and drier climes. I'm still hoping to sneek in a wee trip up to the loch before I go. In the mean time enjoy this podcast and dont forget to get in touch with ideas or input  you would like to hear in the pod. Let me know if you enjoyed it!

Saturday, 21 July 2012

An afternoon on the River Clyde

Yesterday afternoon the weather looked favourable so I decided to take a drive down to Abington to fish the River Clyde. I was fishing near the monument and set up with a Magpie and silver on the point and a GRHE nymph on the dropper. a fish came to my flies on the first cast but I missed it but I didn't have to wait too long for another and this time caught my first trout of the day. I walked a fair bit down the river before stopping for a coffee and  biscuits then walked back to where I started. I caught trout all along the river most of the dozen or so trout I caught were fooled by the magpie and silver. The trout were quite small but they were great wee fighters all the same.
It  was very pleasant way to spend a  Friday afternoon off work and  something I  must do again soon

Friday, 20 July 2012

The Urban Fly Fisher

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Alastair aka The Urban Fly Fisher for his kind words about the Hillend Dabbler and for highlighting a link to my blog from his very popular Urban Fly Fisher.
If you are wondering what the Urban Fly Fisher is all about well it is a fly fishing blog which was established in 2003 and is believed to be the first of its kind and is all about fishing the River Kelvin which flows through the City of Glasgow. It also occasionally features fly fishing from other locations too. 
One of the things I admire about Alastair’s blog is that he gets sent free stuff!  I’ll need to find out how he manages that  Lol.
I’m sure you will find Alastair’s satirical slant on all things piscatorial on the Kelvin very interesting and enjoyable.  Go on have a look!

Monday, 16 July 2012

A Scotsman and a Englishman were fishing Hillend.

Last Saturday night I was afloat on the loch in unusual circumstances. Let me explain. My good friend Tam who is a member of the Clarkston Angling Club was short of a man for the boat pairs Inter club comp against my club Airdrie and District. Therefore he asked me if I was available to partner wee Jimmy the Scouser for his club. I was only too happy to oblige despite the cries of Judas.
Conditions weren't ideal but we managed a certain degree of success. We Jimmy caught s couple of fine Hillend Loch rainbows while I managed to catch a Wild Hillend brown trout which i returned to the loch.
At the end of the night My club won the comp quite comprehensively.
A good night was had by all the anglers and the hot snacks and drinks which were laid on for us when we returned to the Club House was very much appreciated. Some enjoyed the cake and biscuits more than others eh Tam?  I was watching you. I suppose it was comfort eating to compensate for yer lack of fish. [Only Kidding]

Saturday, 14 July 2012

Hillend Dabbler Fishing & Music Podcast

It was pleasing to note that a few people got in touch to say how much they enjoyed last weeks Podcast. Encouraged! and being a bit of a novice at this kinda stuff I thought I would try to improve on last weeks pod so I have made another. Hope you enjoy this I hour long pod. Please get in touch and let me know where I could improve on it or if you have any ideas you would like to hear in the pod. Listen and Enjoy!

Sunday, 8 July 2012

River Clyde Forum visit to Tinto

On Tintock tap, there is a mist,
And in that mist, there is a kist,
And in that kist, there is a cup,
And in that cup, there is a drap.
Tak' up that cup, and drink that drap, that's in yon kist, on Tintock tap!
 I woke on Saturday morning to the sound of a typical Scottish summer. Aye! the wind and rain were battering my window. The weather wasn't going to stop me going on the Clyde Forum Tinto day though. I arrived at the Tinto fishery just after 8am and the others arrived soon after. The eight of us split into two groups of four. Me, John T, Pioneer and Gadgerman went up to the Cleuch for the first session while Euan, Geo, Stan and Bill fished the Lochlyloch
The Cleuch Loch is set in a beautiful hollow below the slopes of Tinto Hill. You would be forgiven for thinking that you were fishing a Highland lochan such is the beauty and solitude of the location.
One we wandered up the hill we set about trying to find the Beauties which inhabit this loch. Conditions were difficult in the driving wind and rain but in between periods when the rain relented I managed to meet some of the residents, In fact on my first cast I was into a trout right away. Every other cast I was hooking and rising fish. In the end I caught dozens of wee broons but I never did manage to make contact with any of the Lunkers of this loch.
We came back down to the bothy for our lunch and met up with the other guys and found out how they got on.
Fed and watered I headed up to the Lochlyloch and was soon into my best fish of the day a fine rainbow of about 2lb caught on a G&H Sedge. It was terrific to see he fish come up to the surface fly. I rose a few more but didn't connect. Just before I ended my day I moved round to the dam and hooked into a good fish, this time on one of the cormorants I tied up recently which ran a fair bit of line off my reel but as I hurriedly tried to gain some control it managed to get off . It felt like a good fish but I will never know as I never saw it as it stayed deep.
Reluctantly the day had to end and I made my way back to the bothy where we all met up to find out how we all got on. I think its fair to say that each and everyone of us enjoyed the day despite the weahter As you can see from the pic above Bill had the fish of the day. A magnificent brown trout from the Cleuch.
Thanks to everyone who came along especially to Bill for organising everything and of course to John and Munro for having us.

Friday, 6 July 2012

The Hillend Dabbler Podcast

This is my first venture into podcasting. Over the next few weeks I will be hoping to develop the fishing and music podcast. If you have any ideas or any musical choices for the podcst please get in touch. Let me know if you enjoyed this.   Click To Play!

Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Hillend Mini Lures!

As I stated in my last post I don't fish or use lures much but as I'm going to a venue Ive never been to before and don't know what to expect I thought I had better take a long some lures just in case as you never know!. I really dislike the look of the dancers and the dog nobbler style of lures etc but I do like the look of some mini lures and can see them being successful I therefore tied up a few mini lures tonight in various colours here's an example of a couple I tied in the last hour.

Sunday, 1 July 2012

Hillend Cormorants.

No this blog post is not about those pests that can be seen from time to time at the Loch . Its a feature on  a fly pattern that was brought to my attention by a fellow Hillender who has done well for years on the boat at Hillend using all sorts of variations of the Cormorant.
I dont own or use many lures but will make an exception with these patterns as I do quite like the look of these for brown as well as rainbows. With a trip to a South Lanarkshire fishery in mind next week I tied these this morning.

Sharp & Gentles Flytying Club At the BFFI 2025

The British Fly Fair International (BFFI) 2025, held on the 8th and 9th of February at the Staffordshire County Showground, marked my first ...