Friday, 27 January 2023

Hats Aff!

As you may be aware I'm a bit of a flytying enthusiast! 
And I do enjoy watching fly tying videos.
However there is something that irks me about American flytying vids! 
Why in the name of Bloody Butchers do most tyers from across the pond wear baseball hats in their flytying vids?????
C'mon!! they are indoors sitting at a table in what I can only imagine is a comfortable and warm room without the sunlight in their eyes and cold winds bothering their baldy heeds!
Perhaps I'm being naive and maybe its just a sponsor thing!
And while I'm having a bit of a rant! Am I the only person that hates the phrase of trout "eating flies" ??? its seems to be an American thing that's creeping into UK flyfishing writing, podcasts and videos! 

Tuesday, 3 January 2023

Straight Outta Hillend

Yesterday I had a walk up by Hillend Loch to see for myself that the water level was back at capacity for the first time in many years.
It was interesting and pleasing to see that the much discussed dam repairs had been successful and repairs made to the footbridge below too to assist with the flow of water. I now hope that Scottish Canals dont not let the dam fall into such a state of neglect ever again.
I'm actually very surprised that the Loch has returned to normal levels again so soon. The Loch was almost dry in the summer and in a real sorry state.
Time will tell how much the fly life and fish habitat has been effected by the low levels.
After yesterdays walk I'm encouraged and look forward to the 2023 Hillend  trout fishing season which is only 71 days away.

Sunday, 1 January 2023

Happy New Year!

Now that all the glitter, tinsel and wrapping paper of Christmas has been trashed or packed away until next December or is it October? I would like to wish everyone who reads this blog a very prosperous and Happy New Year!
I'm looking forward to the new year and hope that all our dreams and aspirations come to fruition on a personal level and angling front.
Angling wise I've not really got much planned other than a weekend trip to Caithness in the summer. I'm looking forward to that as it's been a good few years since I last cast a line in the far north east.
I will renew by membership for Airdrie & District Angling Club again and can only hope that the fly fishing at Hillend Loch will improve after such a disastrous and disapointing season last year.
I will also probably get my UCAPA ticket for the Clyde and maybe this year actually use it as river fishing is something I'm very Interested in and want to learn.
As ever I will most likely be as busy as ever at the vice.
I'm actually thinking of heading down to Stoke to attend the British Fly Fair International in February with an overnight stay at my Brothers place in Penrith to break up the journey.
Its been over ten years since I last attended that event and really enjoyed it last time. One of the highlights back then was meeting the Master Flytyer, Oliver Edwards give what he said then would be his last flytying demo at the show. It was a bit of a shock to recently hear that  Oliver is not in the best of health and is now in a care home. He has been such an inspiration to many.
Last night before the Bells of the new year rang out I tied a few  flees in a couple of my favourite styles. Dabblers and Bumbles. Whilst not true Dabblers they are similar and can see them working well for trout that are in the hunt for fry! The Bumbles as ever should be good in a rolling wave.
So once again have a Very Happy New Year.
In the meantime I'm way to prepare the steak pie for the family New Year Dinner!

Sharp & Gentles Flytying Club At the BFFI 2025

The British Fly Fair International (BFFI) 2025, held on the 8th and 9th of February at the Staffordshire County Showground, marked my first ...