Wednesday, 28 October 2020

A Hat-trick at Tassie

My winter flyfishing odyssey around the local basheries continued today when my fishing buddy Iain and I made the short trip to Drumtassie, situated between Blackridge and Slamannan. 

My weather app was telling me to expect rain all day accompanied by strong winds. So we went fully prepared to battle the elrments. However much to our surprise it stayed dry all day but the wind was cold and strong as expected and had me chittering as it battered in between my shoulder blades. Iain was first into a fish on his 2nd or 3rd cast caught on a cormorant with red holo body and black marabou wing with a short tail of three strands of red holo tinsel. It was my turn a short time later with my first to the net on the same fly. I had tied these patterns last weekend with the intention of using them on our next outing so it was very pleasing to know they were successful. I was soon into another this time the fish took the cormorant on my dropper a wee size 12 with a black body ribbed with blue-ish holo tinsel and the usual black marbou wing. It was only the back of nine and was I already thiking of calling it quits as I was so cold with the wind battering into my back. However Iain and I had a wee break and Iain produced a very welcome cup of Bovril which was exactly what I needed to warm me up. Soon after we were back to it and I competed a very pleasing Hat-trick of rainbows Again this trout was fooled by my wee size 12 cormorant. I had that pattern on my dropper all day and occasionally changed my point fly. Just after midday we called it a day. Normally I'm reluctant to stop fishing but I was pleased to be heading home for a big plate of broth as I dont think I could of carried on much longer as I was really feeling the effects of the wind and the cold. Not only did I catch a hat-trick of trout I think I might also have caught the flu!

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

Quality Matters

For years Ive been acquiring my flytying materials from a certain large angling store located in  the North of Glasgow.
I must say there is absolutely nothing wrong with that as they have a fantastic range of flytying  products from all the established brands.
I love nothing better than visit there on a Sunday  afternoon when I'm at a loose end to wander down the aisles to have a browse among the thread tinsel, fur, feather and sythetics which culminates in me spending far more than I ever should on materials for my ever expanding collection!
However Irish  Flytying Supllies run by Sam McGowan from Newtonards in Northern Ireland was recently brought to my attention.
I've recently bought some amazing hen capes from Sam which he dyes himself.
The service, quality and value for money is first class.
Sam specialises in Irish fly supplies. His capes come in a wide variety of true Irish flytying colours.
Irish and Scottish Loch patterns are my favourite style to tie so it's been a real pleasure to tie with these beautiful capes and get good results!   
Irish Fly Supplies can be found on Facebook where you can view the products. If quality matters to you when tying get yourself over to the IFS social media page and give yourself a treat.

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Rainbows, Raindeer & Tigers

Had another productive morning up at Avonhead on Saturday! Two rainbows and a tiger to the net which were fooled by three different patterns! I had never seen a Tiger trout in the flesh until last week and I must say they are lovely looking fish! It was fantastic to get another this week.

Although I bettered last weeks total of fish I didnt encounter as much action.  That was probably down to the drop in temperature as it was notebly very cold this week! 

Once I packed up and was walking back to the warmth of my car I captured a Raindeer in the field!!!!! On the camera of course!

Thursday, 15 October 2020

My Muse

After being led astray to the uncomfortable dark side of flytying recently #lures. Im glad to say I've made it safely back to the familiarity and enjoyment of Loch style flytying! 

Sitting at the vice daydreaming of warm, breezy and cloudy days on a Highland loch is what will get me through the covid winter of frustration and discontent!!

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Avon Calling!

I had a most enjoyable Saturday morning at Avonhead Upperton this morning.
I caught my first ever Tiger trout and I must say they are beautifully marked fish.
Also fooled a rainbow trout too. Both fish took an Orange hothead damsel. I also lost a good trout after a brief scrap which the fish won and left me frustrated on the bank!
My friend Iain and his son Martin also got in on the act with five for father and one for the son! 
All in all it was a great way to start a Saturday! 

Sharp & Gentles Flytying Club At the BFFI 2025

The British Fly Fair International (BFFI) 2025, held on the 8th and 9th of February at the Staffordshire County Showground, marked my first ...