Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Ring out the old and Bring in the New!

This will obviously be my last post of the year. For me personally it has been a year of change as I finally got my act together and made lifestyle changes which will benifit me in the years ahead because for too long I have been restricting myself and not fulfilling my life because of my health and weight etc.
Therefore I look forward with great relish and excitiment to 2015 on the fishing front as I intend to get out and in among the lochs and lochans of the Scottish Highlands in search of brown trout and a real wild fishing experience. Don't get me wrong I will be going along to my local loch , Hillend as often as I can too but my main aim this year is to get up north more.
I have many lochs and mountains in mind which I intend explore and hopefully get some wild camps too.
Inbetween trips my focus will as always be flytying, however its my intention to carry less flies, I say this every year and I have cut down , but hope to restrict myself to just the one box this year.
Its much more comfortable and satisfying going light into the wilds.
Tonight I was at the tying bench for a short time and tied my last two fly patterns of the year. I had the seatrout of the Uists in mind when I tied these tonight.
That trip will be at the end of the season but there will be a lot of fishing to be done before then.
So folks I hope you all have enjoyed your fishing in the past year and I hope you have enjoyed having a look in here now and again too, Remember I'm no expert by any stretch of the imagination, I'm just an enthusiastic flyfisher, flytyer and hillwaker that likes to share my experiences in this my blog which recently was 5 years old.
As I finish this post off Im currently enjoying the sound of the Vattersay Boys and savouring a big glass of Glenmorangie awaiting the bells. Hic. Happy New Year!

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Now thats what I call A Selection Box.

Good afternoon and a coolyule to y'all.
Im now stuffed and enjoying a few after dinner drinks.
I thought I would share with you something which I'm certain you will agree is the kind of selection box all anglers and flyters would love to receive. Or perhaps it might be something the trout fancy . I certainly hope it is as this will be going to the Outer Hebrides with me next year.

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Hillend Sedgehog

Recently I've not had fishing or flytying on my mind as other stuff has taken precedent. 
However tonight I got a chance to sit at the bench and I thought I might as well tie up some sedgehogs for the Uist fly box.
The first few I tied are in size 10's but will knock up some 12's too.
These are great patterns for wild highland broonies as well as rainbows @ Hillend. 

Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Ultra Bumble!

I give you the Ultra Bumble. Nothing to do with football supporters groups you understand.
Yesterday I was in the GAC watching Davie McPhail @ his vice giving free fly tying demonstrations.
Inspired by the patterns I watched him tie, I walked the fly tying isles and picked up some new materials with a few new ideas in my head.
Once again I had Outer Hebrides in mind when I tied these tonight. I really like the look of the purple tails on these.
I tied one of them with a sky blue tinsel rib the other three have a blue wire rib. I think I prefer the blue wire.

Sharp & Gentles Flytying Club At the BFFI 2025

The British Fly Fair International (BFFI) 2025, held on the 8th and 9th of February at the Staffordshire County Showground, marked my first ...