Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Almost Spring at Hillend.

I was up at the loch the other day and although there are signs of spring coming along winter has left its mark on the loch's surroundings. All the trees are bare and the grass is as short as it ever will be but in a few short weeks everything will spring into life again and the bank side will be alive with enthusiastic anglers. Im all set for the opening weekend, rods cleaned lines stretched and some new fly patterns to try. Lures will probably dominate the opening couple of weeks if its cold but my prefere patterns of choice are ttraditional wets which i like to tinker with like the pattern above.

In the mean time this weekend I will be going along to the Glasgow Angling Centre open day. I will focus my attention as ever at the flytying demos. I also hope to pick up some bargains and I might even get some pics which I will post on here. Check back here at the weekend to see if I managed.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Caithness on my mind

First of all I would just like to say its is with great delight that I noticed that Davie McPhail hasn't ditched his old faithful tying shirt after all, as you will see if you have a look at his latest tying vid lol!. I digress. I was in the mood to do a bit of tying this afternoon and tied a few loch style flies, Recently I have been tying a few patterns in the same style as my latest Charlie McLean fly which you may have seen a few posts ago. the essence of these patterns is that the back half is a tinsel and the front half tied in the same manner as a Loch Ordie tying a few feathers in one after the other. I tied these with Caithness Lochs in mind. Ive not got a name for these new patterns I'm open to suggestions.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Davie McPhail's New Shirt!

This is not so much a blog post but just an observation. I was reading recently that the great master himself was going to a big angling event in Canada. There have been some photos of Davie circulating on the internet of him in action at this event. I couldnt believe my eyes when I saw the latest pic, Davie appears to have a new shirt! Does this mean we have seen the last of his old shirt which has served him so well after all these years? His videos will never be the same lol!

UCAPA River Clyde Salmon Season Opening Day – 2025

Saturday, 15th February, was a significant day for the angling community as it marked the official opening of the 2025 salmon fishing season...