Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Tying Again!

I know , I know I should be out fishing rather than sitting at the tying desk tying up flies. I might well go up to the Loch later. You see that's the beauty of having a permanent desk set up I can just draw up the chair and start tying without having to look out materials and get everything set up. Anyway I just watched a tying demo by a certain Ayrshire flytyer of good repute and was suitably inspired at having a go at something similar. The above pattern is what I came up with. Its not the exact same dressing as Davie's fly but it's tyed in the same style the only difference being the thread colour and the feathers . I used a greenwells hackle instead of the starling. This fly might not be in the same league as McPhails but I think it has all the properties to fool the trout. If only I could get a good fisherman to try it out as I haven't been very successful as I would like to be at the fishing lately. Nothing has changed there I can hear a certain ginger haired fellow cry. Maybe this fly will change my fortunes?

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