Sunday, 19 June 2011

Still Piscatorally Challenged.

Well a week has gone since I last put finger tips to keyboard on here and still I'm piscatorally challenged. I visited Hillend on Tuesday all booted and wadered up and opted for the woodside trying various bays and points. Then on Friday night I gave the narrows ago just down from the club house. It was a terrible night weather wise so I had the place to myself...well for an hour or so before an old codger with a west Lothian accent came along and sat beside me on a bench while I was taking a break. He then plodded into the Loch where I had been fishing which meant I was ousted from my prefered spot. I was furious and decided to move over to the right a bit then the next thing I know he was casting over my bloody line when I was casting at rising fish. He must have been so desperate. I just walked away in disgust and packed up. I think I need a break from Hillend for a while and perhaps try another Loch. I'm not giving up.......just yet, as I am thinking of having another try tonight at the Loch and might find a place on my leader for one or two of the above wee scruffs.

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Stewart's Spider

As the old year fades and the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on a very old and rather unusual trout fly.  First documented in 1857...