Sunday, 7 August 2011

Pike, Perch and Nae Troot.

Last night I visited a very grey, dreich and wet Hillend Loch. The Club was hosting the inter-club boat pairs competition between our club and the Clarkston Angling Club. It was a horrible night for the boat as the rain persisted all night and actually got worse as the night went on. I wasn't competing in the comp as I wasn't invited so I chose to fish from the bank on my own. I fished along the south shore all the way to the wee moss. Close to Bracco burn area I saw a couple of heavy splashes well within casing range so I cast my two flies over the increasing rippling rings. I got a half hearted attempt at my top dropper which was a Kate McLaren.I then had another cast, next there was another huge splash and I saw the glistening olive sheen from a big pike just below the surface then I had a fish on but the fish that grabbed my Kate was a little perch which I probably saved from the jaws of the pike as the big predator was obviously ambushing small perch. After a quick pic I released the perch . After a couple of casts I was into another fish this time a very small pike which grabbed my point fly which was a mini lure which I had only tied up before I went up to the Loch tonight. Five minutes later the mini lure was grabbed again, but this time the take was subsantial and my line got smashed. I brought my line in to inspect it and just as I thought it was a clean break which I believe was broken by the big pike I had seen minutes earlier. After tying on another fly I continued to fish on in the ever increasing heavy rain. I fished all along to the wee moss where I watched some of the guys out on the boats . They looked miserable. As I fished on I was thinking to myself that it would be nice to catch a trout to complete a treble of the Hillend species. That trout proved to be illusive and I gave up when the fishing stopped being fun because of the bloody rain.

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Stewart's Spider

As the old year fades and the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on a very old and rather unusual trout fly.  First documented in 1857...