Saturday, 5 October 2013

Among the Hills

Unfortunately the Right Honourable Marquis of Linlithgow was unable to grant me and my friend Alex permission to fish one of my favourite lochs today as the trout season on this Noble loch finished on the 30th of September.
I was very disappointed when I found out about this on Friday afternoon as I was looking forward to end in the season in style at the Right Honourable gentleman’s loch.
It’s such a lovely loch and I have always did quite well when I have fished it in the past.
However all was not lost as when I last visited the loch in the summer Scott and I spoke to a fisherman when we were leaving and he told us of another smaller loch nearby which was rather good and had plentiful trout.
Alex and arrived among the hills this morning and headed up the hill to the wee loch. It didn’t take too long to arrive at it but when got to the brow of the hill our hearts sank as the loch was two thirds covered in weed.
However as we looked across the loch we saw a decent sized fish leap from the water and break the silence with an almighty splash then we saw a few more rises this time less dramatic but rises all the same.
We strung our rods and stealthily walked the banks and cast out lines as close to the weed beds as we dared.
We fished for a few hours but to no avail. I tried various flies as did Alex but still we never even raised a fish.
I decided to go for a walk up to the summit of one of the hills and have a seat and take in the lovely views. After a while I came back to the loch to join Alex and had another go at fooling the fish but we were the ones being fooled as although the fish were rising from time to time they remained elusive.
Reluctantly we decided give up and tramp back down to the car.
Although we never made contact with any fish it was great to be out and about tramping the hills and fishing.
I suppose I’m going to have to visit Hillend tomorrow afternoon to see if I can end the season with a fish.


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