Sunday, 25 May 2014

A consolation fish!

Bit of an eventful evening at the loch.
It was the first fly competition night of the season at the loch but I didn't bother entering I just went up for a night of fishing without the pressure of needing to catch a trout. I prefer it that way.
I decided to fish the north shore tonight. A strong east wind was blowing down the loch bringing with it smirry rain which made for a dreich night.
I set up with a big bushy/leggy hopper on the point and a watson's bumble on the dropper. I was rewarded when a good size trout snatched my point fly and almost took me down to my backing . However I soon gained control and as the fish leapt several times from the water trying to throw the hook I noticed that it was a really good size trout. However just when I thought I had it under control it bloody broke me and made off with my fly. I fished on in the ever decreasing light until it was dark.
I then decided to have one last throw of the dice when I changed to a big lure for what I decided would be the last fifteen minutes or so.However on my second cast with the lure I hooked and landed a big pike. Not what I was after but a fish is a fish. I took a pic unhooked it and returned it to the water to dissapoint another trout fisher in the future. I then just packed up and walked back to the car in the dark along the north shore.

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