Sunday, 17 January 2010

Feelin" Klinky

Over the last couple of days I have been dabbling in an attempt to tie Klinkhammer style flies. I have never tied this style of fly before as the style I enjoy and feel comfortable with is Traditional Loch Style flies. It's always a good idea to try something new as you will become an all round better tyer by learning new and exciting methods of tying. There are one or two things I need to brush up on in this particular example... First of all I will have to get the proper style of hook to give the pattern the correct profile for an emerging insect. A Kamasan B100 has been recommended to me by the Forumites on Wild Fishing Scotland.A smaller thorax and then I might just have nailed it.
I'll be off to the GAC soon for some hooks and no doubt a whole load of other materials that I will add to my ever increasing vast collection of Fur, Hair and Feather.

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Stewart's Spider

As the old year fades and the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on a very old and rather unusual trout fly.  First documented in 1857...