Sunday, 31 January 2010

Fish & Flies On Film

I have to admit when it comes to collecting fishing and flytying videos and DVDs I am hopelessly addicted.I am a sucker when it comes to acquiring angling related tape and disc. My collection has too many titles to mention. I confess some are not brilliant as I can't resist a bargain but I do treasure most of my collection. My prized possessions are my collection of Oliver Edwards Masterclass DVDs. These are quite simply the best Flyfishing and flytying videos ever produced. I love nothing better than sitting down on a cold winters evening and watching the master at work. You may have noticed at the top of my post a photo of my mobile phone.Yes, what you see there is a video of Oliver Edwards.This might appear odd to some but sometimes when the fishing is dull at Hillend and I'm in need of a rest I will settle down somewhere in a sheltered spot at the Lochside and watch these clips until I'm ready to start fishing again.Some would say I was sad
to have such a thing on my phone. I disagree. I have quite a few video clips on my phone. They come in handy whenever I feel bored at work or when I'm sitting in the car waiting on my wife completing her shopping etc.
I couldn't enter a post on my blog about flytying videos without mentioning the excellent Davie McPhail videos. There is only one available in the shops but quite literally about one hundred free video clips on his You Tube Channel which you will find a link to on my links list.
In my opinion Davie is up there with Oliver Edwards as two of the best tyers in the country. I have been lucky enough to see both in person giving flytying demonstrations. Davie at the Glasgow Angling Centre and Oliver at the British Fly Tying fair at Stoke last November.
I haven't got enough space or time to mention everything in my collection but will leave you with another two recommendations. A Passion for Angling and Arthur Ransome's Rod and Line narrated by Michael Hordern.In many experts eyes A Passion for Angling is the ultimate in angling films. Try them for yourself you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dabbler
    Good post there, I agree that watching Ollie at work is a wonder to behold. I have never seen Davie in person but avidly watch his you tube site for tying techniques etc.


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