Sunday, 7 February 2010

Davie McPhail At GAC

As I mentioned earlier the other day there. Davie McPhail was in attendance at the Glasgow Angling Centre today giving out free advice and fly tying demonstrations.I went along this afternoon firstly just to watch Davie and secondly to buy yet even more fly tying materials.
When I pulled up my chair Davie had just finished tying his raffia mayfly which is featured on his You Tube Channel.A very nice fly indeed.
I sat for quite a wee while watching him tying and could have sat there all day but would have felt embarrassed if I had sat all afternoon as I might have come across as some sort of mad stalker or the like.
I particularly liked a fly Daivie tied but the name escapes me. It had a sunburst tippet, claret uv micro straggle fritz, a jungle cock wing and a red game collar hackle.He said it was a great fly for wild broonies.
He then went onto tie salmon flies. I have no experience of tying them but after watching Davie I might have a go at some. They were beautiful to say the least.In fact the bloke sitting next to me said that it would be a shame to put them into the water.But Hey! that's what they are for.I do agree with him though.
I asked Davie if I could take his picture for my Blog.He knew right away which blog as he had read my post about him attending the GAC. If you are reading this Jim [from Colorado] I didn't need to tell him he had a admirer from across the Pond as he had already read your comments. He said Thanks!
I really enjoyed my visit today and as always took away with me helpful hints and tips courtesy of the Ayrshire Flyter.Anyway I've been inspired I'm off now to tie some flies with some of that UV micro straggle fritz I purchased today.


  1. Thanks for the post, Allan. I am afraid I, too, may have appeared the stalker at Davie's side - would love to have picked up a few pointers about tying Tummel syle wets, and how to deal with a few spider concerns I have such as the thread twisting technique on the Dark Watchet and tying peacock herl head on flies such as the Spanish Needle, etc., etc.
    Best, Jim

  2. best fly tyier to date in my books

  3. I agree; he is the best I have ever seen.


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