Monday, 8 February 2010

Spice up your Flies

Old fashioned as I am with regards to fishing Hillend. I mostly use traditional wet style patterns such as Zulus, Kates and Pennels etc,etc.I kinda go against the grain a little at Hillend as lures are becoming ever more popular at my local Loch. Black Fritz,olive damsels and Yellow Dancers being the lures of choice for many.
These appear to to be successful patterns but I still prefer to use the trads.You may find me up at the Three Trees flogging away at the water with my wets and on some occasions , well lets be honest here, Quite often, I won't be doing at all well while others along the shore will be more successful using their fancy colourful lures. I am in no way a snob when it comes to fishing if these people are happy using modern flies that is entirely their choice I still will persevere with my own trad wets. why?You may ask do I persevere when the modern patterns are more successful.It's all down to that old adage that there is more to Fishing that catching fish. Don't get me wrong I do get envious sometimes , I'm only human, when I see my friend Alex out in the water with a bend in his rod and crying out to anyone who can see him , A yellow Dancer, I got it on a Yellow Dancer. It's at times like that when I think to my self "How could I spice up my flies" without abandoning my old fashioned flies altogether? I may have found the answer yesterday.While watching the Ayrshire flytyer tying a well known Scottish Wet he replaced the traditional dubbed seals fur body with a material called UV micro straggle fritz ,I know it's quite a mouthful,but I reckon the addition of this material adds life to the pattern. This piece of flash might just be the difference between blanking and being successful.I had always shied away from using this stuff as it just screamed "Lure" at me, but if it's used subtly it can be incorporated into traditional patterns without them losing that traditional touch.
The photo above is a Spiced Up Pennel I tied last night using the UV in the body. I also have this material in a golden olive colour which I look forward to using. Let me know what you think of my glammed up flee. As ever the Fish will be the true judges.

1 comment:

  1. I am essentially a traditionalist, myself. Silk, Fur and Feathers, right? I will admit to experimenting with synthetics other than nylon thread and mylar tinsel. I've given them all up except antron yarn and a bit of zelon here and there, and on some days rubber legs (ugh!) on a beetle or hopper is the trigger that works. Your Pennel looks as it will do the trick, and thanks for your comments on my blog and making sure I knew about Donald's labor of love.
    Best, Jim


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