Sunday, 27 March 2011

Hillend Blank!

Well I suppose it was inevitable that I would sooner or later have my first Hillend Blank. I suppose I shouldn't be too down hearted as I normally have my first blank at Hillend on the opening day. With the prospect of fishing to about eight o'clock now that the clocks have been put forward I decided to get up the loch this afternoon after watching on TV the pointless exercise of Scotland being defeated by Brazil at football, in of all places London.That was a shock eh? The SFA should hang their heads in shame for organizing such a jolly for players and officials when the Leagues have such a backlog of games to catch up on. Anyway that's enough of the fitba this is an angling blog after all.
I went over to the North shore this afternoon and fished either side of the promontory that heads out to the Spiers Island. I set up with my Sunburst kates and my little brown Hillend scruff. Needless to say I never touched a fish all day. There was plenty action all day over on the Island though as I sat and watched various fights and listened to wild screaching noises all day as Canadian Geese and various species of birds flew in and around the Island all day. I gave up at 7. 30 and made my way dejectedly to the car but took solace in the fact that after speaking to another couple of anglers that they had as many fish today as I had. Worse was to happen on the way home though. as I was just approaching my street and put my foot on the break it went straight to the floor. It now looks like it will be the end of the week before I get the car repaired and get up the loch again unless of course I get the bike out the shed and cycle up to Hillend.

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