Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Spring is in the air!

Spring is in the air and here is the reason why.I can always tell, as my wife was in full spring cleaning mode the other day cleaning out cupboards and shifting furniture alll over the place so I decided I had better vacate the house and let her get on with it. I decided to go for a wee walk up at Hillend. You could tell that we are well on the road to nature's new dawn as The Lily Loch car park was full of anglers cars which means that the Clarkston Anglers fishing season is under way at the Lily. The Buds were budding, the birds were singing and the the fish were rising, honestly they were, in the Braco Burn area. Oh and another sure sign is that the season tickets and memberships for the Airdrie and District Angling Club are on sale at the Hillend Fishing Lodge. I'll pick up mine this weekend. Anyway after returning home I was horrified to see that my other half had decided to relocate my Flytying chest and desk to the other side of the room and moved all my books and magazines. I wasn't best pleased to say the least she said the room looked better and was cleaner now and ticked me off about feather fibres etc all over the room. I tried to explain that I liked everything as it was and that I had everything arranged to hand and was really comfortable and settled where I did my tying. She wouldn't listen.I just had to accept it and adjust to my relocated desk. It might seem trivial to you dear reader but the new chair and position of the light source and vice etc is going to get a bit of getting used to. The above fly is a pattern I think will fool the wild brown trout of Hillend and is the first I have tied from my new tying position and to be honest I have a more spacious work area and actually think its a better set up now but don't tell the wife.

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