Monday, 16 April 2012

Trout and Bricks!

With reports of more adverse weather coming in for the rest of the week I was keen to get up to the loch today to make the most of my day off. I was up yesterday in a cold north wind but had no success so was hoping for better fortunes today. I opted to wade the north shore from the island then westwards between the island and the dam. i set up with my floating line with a beaded black lure and as ever a Kate on the droppper. I fished for about an hour without as much as a pull.Then I sat on the bank for a wee while in the intermittent sunshine thinking of what to try next. I switched to an intermediate line and the same leader. Soon my switch of line payed off as I was into my first fish of the day a rainbow between 1 1/2 & 2lb. The fish was fooled by the black marabou lure. The a wee while later I had another on the same fly. It has to be said I lost about three lures in between due to me using the intermediate line but it was worth it by eventually netting my brace of trout. I guess you are wondering about the pic of the brick? Well ever since I came across some bricks with interesting names on them from the Clyde I am always on the lookout for others and came across this latest one among what appeared to be dumped rubble on the north shore. i have even came across a web site all about bricks and their source. This latest brick is from a long gone brick work near Falkirk. I know I'm a saddo! better stick to the fishing eh?

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