Friday, 29 August 2014

The folk you meet!

Isn't it amazing and ironic how fate and coincidence sometimes collide and truely bring sense to the saying" its a small world."
Just at the start of the week I got a meesage from an old work colleague... Alex, who I hadn't met or spoke to for about 20 years so we got talking across the internet as you do about old friends from work and stuff. Just imagine my surprise when I went along to the football last Tuesday night at New Broomfield and my ticket and seat for the game was right next to Alex!
Then last month whilst up north and fishing Loch Borallie I met Andrew Hogg....A Scottish fishing guide now based in Vienna who was out on the loch with a couple of clients. Imagine my surprise whilst browsing the internet last night, I came across a video of "From field to Stream TV" which featured Andrew whilst he was fishing up north last month. The video gives a real feel for the wild brown trout fishing in the north of Scotland. It really is a small world!

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