Friday, 3 June 2022

A day in Perthshire

My friend Tom aka The Clarkston Tangler and I travelled up to Perthshire to fish a quaint wee Loch set among some beautiful scenery in the Grounds of Drummond Castle.
The Loch has three boats available all of which were in use today!
It was quite dull to start with as we set off up the Loch, however as the morning progresed it got steadily brighter and by the afternoon the sun was splitting the skies!
By the time the bright sunshine ended our days fishing we had 6 trout to the boat, a mix of rainbows and broonies however a good number of troot were  lost too.
Silver Invicta was the most successful fly of the day but muddlers were the great attractors as there was always a bit of interest to them when they were pulled through the top of the water.
Tom was absolutely delighted when one of his captures was fooled by a pattern he tied the night previous. Tom has only recently started flytying so was understandably thrilled when a troot took a fancy to his orange bumble! 
It was absolutely fantastic to get away on my first proper fishing trip of the season. Something I was very much needing to do and something I hope to do again in a couple of weeks time.


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