Thursday, 31 December 2009

My last fly of the decade

Tied my last fly of the year/decade this Hogmanay night and in the process completed the filling of my latest fly box. My intention was to fill a box with flies that would cover all circumstances for wild brown trout fishing in the highlands. I'm not sure if I can be brave enough to trek into the hills with one flee box. I will just have to be strong willed and realize that I will have more than enough patterns to cover all situations. I know that makes sense but I'm sure you can sympathise with me when I know for certain when it comes to the crunch I will tell myself that I had better take another box or two just in case.

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Stewart's Spider

As the old year fades and the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on a very old and rather unusual trout fly.  First documented in 1857...