Thursday, 14 June 2012

Broke at Thankerton Bridge

It was my bi weekly Monday off at the start of the week so rather than visit the loch I'm currently scunnered with I decided to head south down the Clyde to the Thankerton area. I arrived at the Bridge parked up and strung my rod. Before walking down to the river I stopped for a few minutes to watch the river from the bridge. I could see some fish rising to up winged flies. So off I went down to the waters edge. I made a couple of casts and was surprised to get a tug right away on my deer hair emerger. Encouraged I made a few more casts but caught the shrubs on the back cast. I walked towards my snagged line and gave it a gentle tug but to my astonishment I snapped my rod. It was a clean break close to one of the rod eyes. To say I was annoyed would be an understatement. I stormed back to the car cursing at my stupidity. On the drive back to Airdrie I decided that as well as taking my rod to the Airdrie Angling shop to get repaired I thought that my misfortune would be a good excuse as any to get a new rod too. I was glad to hear that Johnny will be able to repair my rod which I will now keep as a spare as I argued with my conscience and got a new rod too

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