Monday, 11 June 2012

Scunnert at Hillend.

As it says above, after the last two nights at the loch I am completely scunnert with Hillend. Last night I decided I would enter the fly fishing comp at the loch. We have them every Saturday night in June from 7pm until midnight. Its only £2 to enter. Years ago I used to be a regular at these events with my two pals Alex and Colin and enjoyed moderate success. I haven't entered the comps for a number of years now and last night I was reminded why I don't enjoy them anymore. At one point last night I was fishing in the boathouse bay with nine other anglers and every other spot I fancied fishing was taken up too. It was far too busy and for me this isn't proper fishing. The weather has been hell at Hillend recently too with constant easterly winds. There were twenty six anglers in the comp and only four fish were caught the whole evening.
Tonight I was out on the boat with Scott and as usual we were faced with a cold easterly wind. Needless to say neither of us caught any trout. We retired early and got back into the clubhouse for soup and a roll along with a good wee blether with Davie and spoke of better days and times. Davie told us not to worry as its all down to the unseasonal weather. You know what ? I believe him.


  1. Dont know too much about Hillend Loch Dabbler but l was a season permit holder at Roughrigg for 10 years and learned that an easterly wind killed the fishing there and you were as well sitting at home tying flies waiting for the wind to swing round to another direction! Hang in there it wont last forever lol! ;)

  2. Aye Its an old saying! and Im now starting to believe it.


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