Monday, 4 June 2012

Kate does it again!

It was about half past seven when I reached the point of the woods last night. As has been the case when I have visited the loch recently an easterly wind was blowing down the loch. I sat on the bench stringed my rod and set up my cast which was as usual a Kate on the dropper and a pattern I tied up in the afternoon on the point. The point fly was a an unotrthadox pattern. It was tied up with the big sedge in mind. Normally I would use a muddler a G7H sedge or one of my various cdc patterns to pull across the surface. The problem with these patterns is that eventually they begin to sink under the surface but the fly and I use the term loosely that I tied for this occasion floated like a cork. It would have fly dressers turning their noses up at it as it was just dyed hares ear fur for a body with a piece of foam tied along the back in segments. Anyway I waded out to the pole and started casting. Needless to say nothing was interested in any of my flies I came back ashore had a rest then had a few casts to the side of the point. Quite soon I had some interest in the point fly as it skirted across the loch but it didn't take then a short time later I managed to hook and land a trout but it didn't take the foam fly it took the Kate. I continued on for the rest of the night with the same flies but nothing came to them.Here is a a couple of pics of the not so pretty trout and the foam sedges. So it still remains to be seen if my new pattern will be successful I suppose I will maybe just have to try again tonight.

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