Sunday, 6 April 2014

The Jingler

A fly pattern which has featured in recent podcasts, videos, blogs, magazines and forums has been the Jingler.
Its all the rage. Apparently its a very old Scottish pattern which has been fished on Scottish lowland rivers for many a year with great success. The sudden rise in its popularity is probably down to social media etc as opposed to the good old fashioned method of by word of mouth.
Regional flies and methods have stayed local for years but with ever increasing technology there will come a time when there will be no such thing as regional fly patterns as they will eventually be known nationwide or even worldwide.
Anyway I digress its an extremely effective pattern especially on rivers however I believe it will be a fantastic pattern to use on the loch too especially when the surface is calm and and trout are on the feed.
I've no idea if these patterns that i've tied are acceptable as Jinglers , as you know how pernickeity some folk can be but they will do for me.

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