Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Armchair Fishing

I was keen to get out on my recently purchased float tube so arranged through a fishing friend to get some tuition on a Perthshire Lochan.
I met up with Vaughan at Braco and then after packing all my gear into his car we drove up through the Perthshire countryside to a couple of lochs which Vaughan assured me would be ideal for a novice float tuber.
We stopped off at the first loch and ran through everything I needed to know he then attached a rope to my tube and set me of out onto the loch. After learning how to manoeuvre etc I was keen to be set of the leash to start fishing.
Therefore we moved onto another loch where Vaughan said I could be in for a few surprises , so told me to be prepared.
We noticed that fish were dimpling at various areas all over this loch so expectations were high and we were both keen to get afloat.
So off we went and I found it surprisingly easy to move up the loch the only trouble I had to start with was controlling turning left and right but soon found a technique to do this which suited me.
Vaughan was first into trout with two nice trout fooled by his beetle pattern which I suggested to him he should call Ringo.
I had a few offers before I managed my first trout. Vaughan was correct, I was indeed most surprised as my first trout from the float tube was a hard fighting rainbow trout.
It has to be said it is an absolute pleasure to fish from the tube. I couldn't believe how comfortable it was as it was like flyfishing from a big comfy armchair.
I caught a further two trout which were once again very fine conditioned rainbow trout.
Vaughan caught a couple of brown trout and a couple of rainbows too.
It was so relaxing sitting on the tube and fishing areas which wouldn't normally be able to be fished due to soft banks and weed.
It's just a pity I've been introduced to this style of fishing at the tale end of the season as i really enjoyed myself and can't wait to get out on the tube again.
I can't thank Vaughan enough for taking me to these lochs and instructing me on how to get the best out of float tubing.

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice Pictures and great shared about Armchair Fishing. Cheers author your Awesome tropic and information. Really I Love it....Float Fabulously USA


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