Saturday, 26 September 2015

The Great Outdoors

My flytying has been curtailed of late due to my sister in law temporarily taking over my tying room whilst  living with us until she moves into her new house.
However today I managed to get outdoors into the garden and tie a few patterns on the garden table with a nice cold beer close to hand.
It has to be said the light was absolutely tremendous which I believe is a very important factor whilst tying. The natural light really assisted me outdoors today so maybe tying al fresco is something I should consider doing more often. I doubt my hands couldn't cope with the cold during January and February whilst in the depths of winter though.
It was very enjoyable to be at the vice again to tie my favourite style of patterns. 
With the end of season fast approaching I'm very keen to get out over the next couple of days to use these flies and make the most of what's left of the brown trout season.

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