Monday, 21 September 2015

What a tube!

Whilst on my recent trip to the Outer Hebrides a few of the guys were fishing on float tubes. 
At the après fishing back at our accommodation it transpired that a good number of the Stravaigers have used tubes from time to time and encouraged me to try it out.
A discussion about float tubes and their merits transpired over a few beers , and wine etc 
I always fancied the notion of using one but was unsure as the big appeal to me about fly fishing is the simplicity of it all therefore to take loads of extra gear might be rather off putting.
I decided that I would think about getting one over the winter and have a look into it.
However a full kit bargain was brought to my attention at the weekend by a fellow Fisher who noticed it for sale on line. 
Included in the kit was a life jacket, fins, boots, paddle, net, pump, rod holders and even a few fly patterns.
I was advised that this was a wonderful bargain therefore  on Saturday evening my son drove me down to Stevenston in Ayrshire to collect the gear.
I'm now the owner of a Caddis Nevada Gold float tube. Now for the hard  bit.  Getting in it and learning to use it.,
Fortunately one of my fishing aqauintences has offered to take me to a loch in the next couple of weeks to show me how to use it and hopefully catch a few trout into the bargain.
If anyone would like to suggest any lochs for me to try tubing  or indeed offer any float tubing advice please do get in touch through the usual sources. 


  1. Congratulations on your first tube. I can't suggest any good lochs to test it out (unless you want to bring it to Canada) but I think you will really enjoy the experience. We use them a lot over here and from what I understand they will be a perfect match for many of your lochs. Good luck!

  2. Thanks! I'm really looking forward to using it especially in wee rocky bays and inlets etc. however I need to learn how handle it etc.
    Regards HD


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