Friday, 4 May 2012

Hillend Brown Trout

Last night I made a hastily arranged visit up to the loch. It looked a nice warm night ideal for casting at rising trout but when I arrived the weather was rather deceiving as there was a cold east wind blowing down the loch despite the sunshine and clouds. Once at the waters edge I noticed a fair bit of fly life about but not as much as I expected. I started fishing with buzzers I had tied up recently but after losing two of them after getting snagged I switched to my trusty trad wets. I tied on a winning combination of Connemara Black on the point and a Kate on the dropper. I did see a few rising trout and eventually I did manage to land one... a nice brown trout about 1lb  3/4. on the point fly. Hoping for another I fished on but  It wasn't too long before my legs and hands were numb with the cold. It got worse when the sun went down. It felt more like March than May but I was relatively happy to walk back along the south shore to the  car with a trout in my bag.


  1. anyfly inthebox6 May 2012 at 09:29

    Nice fish, we were there on Saturday 5th May all day fishing fly and the only fish we saw was one a bait fisherman caught . It was very cold, and they just weren't interested, same time last year got a 3.5 brown

    1. yes loch has been cold and fish not interested but typical of hillend-generally on fishes well 2-3 days after a stocking then dies away again untill next batch of fish arrives

    2. bellshillbaitbox28 May 2012 at 02:14

      i will second that cruixcaster myself n afew guys fae bellshill found that out-also only fishes at narrows now got slang name as the aquaruim

  2. auldjimmysflies28 May 2012 at 02:02

    not bad fish for a stocked brown cause it aint one of the loch's own thats for sure easy to tell that as ive seen and caught many browns out of hillend as been fishing hillend for over 40yrs. lochs not same any more wasted by rainbows and power bait anglers


Stewart's Spider

As the old year fades and the new year dawns, I find myself reflecting on a very old and rather unusual trout fly.  First documented in 1857...