Sunday, 27 May 2012

True Blue Loch Ordies.

Those who follow my blog might have noticed that I sometimes post pics of my flies on other forums. This being the case with my latest tyings I was pleased to see that non other than the great Stan Headley author of Salmon and Trout Flies of Scotland and of course The Loch Fishers Bible commented on my latest fly. He said he liked it but it would be better with a teal blue hen hackle at the collar. Stan mentioned that the pattern is good for peat stained water and when the mix of black and blue is wet in the water it gives off a nice greenish shimmer which he reckons is a good trout attractor. Therefore I took on board his  sage like advice and tied a few as recommended by Stan. The fly is made up of three black hen hackles tied along the hook shank then one teal blue hen hackle at the collar . One of the easiest patterns you will ever tie.

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